Cooperatives White
We were talking about the formation of the Consumer Cooperative Railway, and the Cooperative Obrera. I asked Peter about cooperatives in White. This is what I remembered:
The first established was the Consumer Cooperative Railway in 1912, worked for 34 years, and in 1936 merged with the Cooperative Obrera.
In 22, 23 formed Whitense Electric Cooperative in Lautaro and Magellan, encabezadao by Antonio Valle, Jerome Usandizaga, and a group of people, to see if they could provide electricity, but as it got permission, bought the building and there Stacco put the factory bar ice. Next were the horses and carriages after the hill and worked there Talleres Navales del Sur, until it broke. Currently in ruins.
also worked Whitense Fisheries Cooperative Limited, which brought all the fishermen to sell fish cooperatively. Francis Vitale, Russo, and bought the building Aversano Siches and Brown, where he Aida worked cinema and cabaret Tronic. Put in the corner next to the facility and the offices, by Alejandro Farinacio and Elisha Gestido, managers for many years. They put cold rooms. They formed the club msmos whitenses fishermen who depended on the cooperative. It worked until 90, then the cooperative is dissolved, it is a private company.
The fraternity had a mutual housing, "the bench" was the first. There was also the mutual aid society of guards, "Harmony." And at 74, another association was created, "Mutual Association Whitense Railway "was to shed staff, then could recruit anyone.
But the oldest was the Railway Club, a society that was Guillermo Torres and Sergeant Cabral, was general store for the railway.
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